Learn to play piano.

We love music.  It is one of life’s most enriching pursuits.  Anyone can learn to play an instrument.  There are so many benefits to learning an instrument.  It’s fun.  It builds your brain.  It helps manage stress.  We love music; we want to help you love music too.

Here, everyone is a Virtuoso In Progress.  Our teachers both encourage and motivate their students.  Students learn to develop the daily habits that will help them reach their greatest musical potential.

We started this school because too many adults have told us they wish they would have stuck with their lessons.  We’ve seen too many talented students walk away from music at a young age because the focus wasn’t on the joy of self-expression but on achieving a measurable outcome in a subjective artform.  We started this school because we believe there is a better way.

Yes, theory is important; of course you need to learn good technique.  Those two things allow you to play and understand the music you love.  But we must never lose sight of the life enriching joy and fulfillment music brings to the individual.